Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Characteristics of Kingdom church..

A KINGDOM church is always learning, always progressing and always pursuing the heart and passion of JESUS.
Fruits of a Kingdom minded people?
Readiness to receive: I witnessed an elderly couple sitting in one of our sessions armed with pen and pad writing down point for point, nodding their heads in agreement, and applauding with excitement every time Tyrone ( from NCMI) mentioned something of great value. Their 'Amens' were more frequent and heard above the many that were there. What is so different about this ? ....Well, nothing other than the fact that this couple have been in ministry for decades. They have planted churches and led ministerial works in different cities and if thats not enough they have started and administrated Christian schools in our region. They are more likely to be the ones teaching and most probably more qualified from that point of view. Instead they are the ones listening, unassuming and ready to recieve the Word no matter who is delivering it.
Readiness to worship:
It never ceases to amaze me how many people are more ready to sing than to worship. Of course singing plays it role in worship but reciting a few words printed up on a screen is not worship. There is a passion found in a worshipful heart that requires no music nor words. It's as if you can take this worshipper place him in the middle of no where and he will translate that place into the very tabernacle of God. Look at a true worshiper and you see someone who abandons his reality, as if Jesus was right there with him. Well that's right....He is there...but they actually believe this!
Readiness to sacrifice : Well would it surprise you if I said that 15 Christian leaders signed up for this Seminar but never arrived nor expressed any apologies or excuse. Let your yes be yes and your no be no = Integrity. In our city we hear of a great call for revival...especially among our leaders but what would they be willing to sacrifice to get this. There is an inconvenience, a cost and a sacrifice to Kingdom. Sometimes you have to buy a field just to get to the treasure, sometimes you have to stop the program to seek out that which has been lost BUT most of the time Kingdom requires, in fact, it demands some kind of sacrifice. The Devil never stops distracting us with business, family, work and tiredness - We believe that going the extra mile will actually wear us down when in fact the word says that Grace comes to us when we seek Him out (We find REST in Him). Our priority must be Kingdom and the Kingdom is ALL not one over another. Sacrifice is not found in the daily routine of your Christian life BUT in that which extents you beyond this routine.

Readiness to finish:
Oh yes it seems so much easier to start something than to finish it. My girls love to make me breakfast every now and then but there is a saying we have "the blessing is not in the making the breakfast but in the cleaning up-afterwards". Finishing strong my friends is possibly more important and many times it helps empower others to carry on its effects into the next season. If it wasn't for Jesus finishing His work we would not live in this resurrection power and empowering of His Spirit. I think the book of TIMOTHY is a great letter written by Paul as he empowers Timothy into his future by finishing strong. What good is it if you had a great run but what you hand over amounts to little. What does your EXIT plan look like ? Does it empower the next generation, leave a legacy or does it leave them having to figure out how they're gonna clean up the mess!!
In conclusion, Kingdom thinkers find ways to unite the strongest men and women together. They are fighters who passionately strategize and reason together but they don't do this to define their place in this world, rather,they help define the teams purpose in moving forward and in the process they are able to maintain a partnership that becomes outstanding in the field. They are builders and architects that extend the mandate and purpose of God and their synergy is found solely in their PASSION for the KING himself, JESUS CHRIST.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The process of synergy ......produces a church that has a apostolic heart

2 Cor 8.23 As for Titus, he is my partner (common) and fellow worker (work together) among you; as for our brethren, they are messengers of the churches, a glory to Christ.

As we look at the above scripture there are a few things that are worth considering. I believe that what we see here is a relational progression :

Friendship for Titus

Some of the greatest people I know are my friends. We enjoy each others company, we spend time together, we talk and invest in each others kids. We know each other by name, in some cases we come up with nick names. A relationship starts with friendship which is to be known and acknowledged by another and although it is foundational, a Kingdom relationship cannot stop there.

Partner partner

The word here is koinōnos - it is the sharer or perhaps a better word is to have in 'common'. This is a great covenant term in which two parties make their livelihood and livestock (resources/talents/defenses) available to each other. They will stand in the gap and become whatever is lacking in the other. And it should not stop there....

Synergy ......fellow worker (synergos)

This is where they work together with intention to accomplish a task. They trust one another to that degree that now they are willing to labor together- keep in mind that the work of a mans hand is the ultimate resource - it's at this point that most realize the power of synergy - this depth of relationship releases an efficiency and fruitfulness that is difficult to explain. Some call it the 1+1=3 principle. Synergy is where the effect of their combined work is greater than the sum of the effect of their individual work. In some case studies this is calculated out to be as much as 25% more.

This relationship generally results in a powerful and concentrated release of energy and resources (revival). It's this united power that is the fruit of a relational journey that has stood the test of time where much of those heart and character issues have been dealt with. Unfortunately many give up before it reaches its full capacity and therefore never realize the power of synergy.

Is it perhaps this principle we see in the Trinity. In the old days it was a great benefit to have oxen that were willing to be yoked together. Psm 133 is quoted so often when it comes to unity but we must see this unity as the fruit of the work. To assume I can simply partake of the fruit without the sacrifice is worldly, cheap and common. True kingdom relationship must have it's full work in us through patients and sacrifice must cost you something.

...they are messengers. (Apostolic)

When synergos has it full work in our lives the result is CHURCHES who band together and send and release apostolos workers into the world. The church becomes apostolic ...
(Important to note that apostolic workers represent churches and a church)

Just a thought ....

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Partnerships are intentional

Rogue: right or wrong
For too many years we have seen many of our young passionate men break denominational ranks to pursue the purpose of God at the cost of partnership. Some rightfully so, seeking to extent their cutting edge youthfulness, subdued godly vision and 'stallion styled' passion to break the control and lording that had them bound building a church's empire while, others, equally strong simply refused to submit to authority and therefore chose to become it.

Does vision equal commission?
Our ability to see what is on God heart doesn't equate to commission or authority. We must reVIVE and emphasize again that vision and commission does not belong to any one man, it is not the responsibility of any one man - NO - on contrary it is the mandate of a team of people called THE CHURCH.

I am not saying we shouldn't have leaders in the church but rather emphasizing the importance of TEAM. What good is a King if his kingdom is divided....Perhaps we can see the a pattern difference between the likes of Moses and Paul.

One man vs Team
Moses given a word leads the people out by himself using the rod and staff while Jesus and Paul called or trained up disciples (small team) - releasing, equipping and empowering them to go. It would seem team is important - see Paul journeys were not alone but in team - EPH 4 reveals the importance of a team of gifted men who will ready/perfect the church in regards to good works, knowing Christ and building/growing the body.

TEAM seems to be the emphasis and model of the New Testament. I believe as the church faces tougher times we will need greater partnership to do the same things we did before.

Begin some where!!
Perhaps you're one of those individuals or leaderships who now knows that you need team. Someone once said "if you do the same things you did before why would you expect change" - I've realized great relationships take time and effort


Here is my recommendation -
Ncmi (New Covenant Ministries International) led by Tyrone Daniel
- check them out at

This is a great team of church leaders from all over the world who seek, together, what is on Gods heart,  they preach Jesus and speak the Kingdom. Yes like all, they aren't perfect but they are passionate about the commission of the church and the importance and purpose of the local church in building the Kingdom of CHRIST. With-in their ranks are found some of the most God fearing men that reflect not only the nature of Christ but also the wisdom of Christ

Connect with us at one of the next conferences worldwide or email me