Rogue: right or wrong
For too many years we have seen many of our young passionate men break denominational ranks to pursue the purpose of God at the cost of partnership. Some rightfully so, seeking to extent their cutting edge youthfulness, subdued godly vision and 'stallion styled' passion to break the control and lording that had them bound building a church's empire while, others, equally strong simply refused to submit to authority and therefore chose to become it.
Does vision equal commission?
Our ability to see what is on God heart doesn't equate to commission or authority. We must reVIVE and emphasize again that vision and commission does not belong to any one man, it is not the responsibility of any one man - NO - on contrary it is the mandate of a team of people called THE CHURCH.
I am not saying we shouldn't have leaders in the church but rather emphasizing the importance of TEAM. What good is a King if his kingdom is divided....Perhaps we can see the a pattern difference between the likes of Moses and Paul.

Moses given a word leads the people out by himself using the rod and staff while Jesus and Paul called or trained up disciples (small team) - releasing, equipping and empowering them to go. It would seem team is important - see Paul journeys were not alone but in team - EPH 4 reveals the importance of a team of gifted men who will ready/perfect the church in regards to good works, knowing Christ and building/growing the body.
TEAM seems to be the emphasis and model of the New Testament. I believe as the church faces tougher times we will need greater partnership to do the same things we did before.
Begin some where!!
Perhaps you're one of those individuals or leaderships who now knows that you need team. Someone once said "if you do the same things you did before why would you expect change" - I've realized great relationships take time and effort
Here is my recommendation -
Ncmi (New Covenant Ministries International) led by Tyrone Daniel
- check them out at
This is a great team of church leaders from all over the world who seek, together, what is on Gods heart, they preach Jesus and speak the Kingdom. Yes like all, they aren't perfect but they are passionate about the commission of the church and the importance and purpose of the local church in building the Kingdom of CHRIST. With-in their ranks are found some of the most God fearing men that reflect not only the nature of Christ but also the wisdom of Christ
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