One of the most testing and difficult times that anyone could experience is the time of famine. Its is said that famine is much like a war, in that, it bring to surface the ruthless, desperate and the selfish need for self preservation. It is no secret that Americans are struggling today....Many have denied the signs, tried BLIND faith or simply denied the fact that it could happen to this great nation (Yes we can)... Some have refused to adjust and have found themselves deeper in trouble...Struggling through every month hoping that their world would suddenly change BUT it just didn't and isn't.
If you can read my friends then READ THE SIGNS ...
Look and see
I love how God on many occasion takes his prophets into a desperate land and then asks "what do you see". Why are we so satisfied with the sight and insight of others in this WORLD (news media,internet, TV commentators.. men of apparent reputation) when you have eyes to see and ears to hear....'Woman and man of God'
There are three basic ways I believe God has chosen for us to see:
We know when winter is coming because we see the Physical signs....We know when a fight is about to break out because we sense Emotional signs of tension and stress, and in like manner, we know when their is a unsettling to come because we feel it Intuitively (Spiritual signs).
You need not be surprised
If we would care to consider, or as the WORD of God says in one place " think upon these things" and ask the questions "What do we see?" , "What do we feel?" and "What do we sense?", then would we be surprised? No, not at all, on the contrary we would be ready.....The bible claims that in the last days the LOVE of MANY will wax cold - Would this be because they were so blind sided, unexpectedly hit by the struggle of life while hoping and leaning on their outdated prophetic words. So many of us believe that God is a dynamic God except when it come to what he prophetically to us 5, 10 or 15 years ago. We struggle to factor into our worldview the proverbial 'last days', 'end times'. Elijah once prophesied disaster and drought and then later complained because he was in it.
Lets get UPTODATE with the prophetic thoughts of God for our day
Re-defining READY
I used the Word "ready" and perhaps it's best to re-define this word clearly. Ready is not the ability to make life easier or to bring relief to the lost (humanism) when strife hits. No, friends....'Ready' has more to do with facing the anticipated strife and struggle with a sense of PEACE, yes, shalom. You see peace is not the absence of struggle...It is the clear sense of hope and overcoming faith in our God amidst struggle. It has more to do with our attitude and heart than our ability to be made more comfortable.....Not to say we don't prepare but to keep the main thing the main thing
Have a wonderful week,
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Thanks for your support, financially and otherwise,
Rodney Ducroq