America vs American's
When I came to America I remember how Christian Americans would proudly tell me about America.... as it was not as it is. They would say it was a place for family, a dreamers paradise, a place of freedom, a people who had the power to change, pioneer & fashion the future, determine their outcome and honor their God, where there was separation between God and state which could be clearly seen in this amazing constitution, they boasted about, that has stood the test of time established by their forefathers and strengthened by the good moral standing of citizens who together could stand their ground and resists any governmental onslaught against their conscience, their religion and their hopes. You see unlike the rest of the world "THE PEOPLE HAVE POWER", they would say..... Really!!Finding our reality

As I began to explore what was said to me and what is.....I found there was much difference. What was happening in the streets, on the ground and in the family lives of every day people did not line up with the perception that many have of America. Something was a miss....something was lost. The greatest value that America has is not itself but it's people.... It is a good crew that makes a ship great - attack the crew and you've conquered the ship.
-- Has America seems to be more valuable than American's ? --
I came to serve
I came to this country because God said so...not for any other reason but to honor God, to bring Him praise by serving him in this nation, and this, by establishing houses of worship (church) for him extending His Kingdom. Is this not the ultimate purpose of life, it is mine, to be to His praise. I came to love on these people, to give to these people my money, my family and my time, to be among them, to work with them and be their friend and their partner. To sacrifice as they had, to feel as they felt, to prove and affirm in them the mighty hand of God and ensure that their trust and faith was not in their lifestyle, their culture, their governmental or political systems BUT in their God (Jesus Christ). This journey has proven to me that there are two major giants here : 1. the culture and 2. the governmental system(Surprise, surprise, apparently the same things the Jesus dealt with when he came to fulfill He's purpose.)
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The Culture
Every time we see Israel go into disarray and disaster, it was because it chose to mix, the culture that God had given them to live by, with the cultures of the world. I am astounded by how much of the Gospel in this country is mixed with a little of every thing else. The parallel to Israel is evident.....and where will it end. I can truly say that I have witnessed a Gospel of a different kind, not one worthy of praise but one that the bible says (2 Cor 11 3-4; Gal 1.9) such a person preaching these things should be eternally condemned by us (but that's hate speech not politically correct). Many people do not know what the gospel of Christ really is, they're confused at times..... American culture has become like smoke to the eyes of many believers and many believers think that the solution is a subdued position of prayer (close your eyes) - It would seem that Fear has gripped the hearts of so many fighting warriors of the Kingdom in this country (The fear of loss of family, persecution, loss of comforts and luxury etc) that they have chosen to hide themselves in closets rather than to stand the ground and publicly DEFEND this gospel in the face of opposition even if it means their demise (It must be said that not all are like this). We are in a war.....It's easier to sacrifice a missionary (one sent by God) than to fight the culture.... (1 Thess 2.15-16)
Government systems
Government is a God ordain idea but systems and laws may not necessary be godly. As we read the Bible we see that it was religious leaders and civil governmental system of laws that was used to destroy, crucify and deport the likes of Jesus and following him all the disciples including men like Paul and so many other missionaries. If it wasn't for these men where would our countries be....I came from Africa and was the product of many such American missionaries who made their way into our country to deliver a simple Gospel and establish churches, many of whom were killed for their faith. It is these so called 'laws' that regulated, subdued and destroyed missionaries and churches (its mission and voice) and when applied in different ways validated and proved such Godly men to be oppositional, counter cultural and unlawful. And now, it seems, I too have become one of those in a country I least expected this to be the case. Yes, I have read the stories of men in China, Eastern block and many of the muslim controlled countries who have been deported, destroyed and maimed for their Christian faith. America...No ways...would we deport such people who come with an unction from God and with goodwill. The Answer is... Yes... I am amazed how many people believe that a governmental decision like this is a godly one. 'Well', they say 'It must be Gods will or perhaps you did something wrong.... Shame on you for not knowing the difference.It seems easier to keep the peace than to fight for truth, but not so beneficial in the long run.
I can testify one story after another of the Grace of God in this journey but I will say this too, that my task is not yet done.I am accused of :
1. Planting an autonomous, non-denominational independent church that doesn't fit the prescribed regulations of this country.
2. Not earning enough money (irrespective of the fact that I am well cared for, driving around in a 20k vehicle and living comfortably)
3. I am also accused of starting a church that, although registered with my State, is not a '501c3' bona fida non-profit organization and therefore not recognized federally as a church, certainly not by immigration standards
4. Furthermore, I am refused the opportunity to act as a contractor on behalf of an independent American church to plant another such church and expect the planted church to pay its way accordingly.
And so on, America says lets DEPORT HIM and his family even if it is 7 years later...Even if it means that a whole church community, now 5 years old, of good standing American's could be at risk of losing another shepherd. There is no common sense applied, no site visitation, no interview, no personal or community impact consideration, no character assessment, risk assessment.... Nothing... Just a simple DENIED ...Why, who would care? It's just a small church in a insignificant country town in Kansas.....Yes, but it's one I was sent too...

" Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do."
--- Ask the Lord what needs doing and do it ---